Replica Hublot Big Bang Unico Saxem Green: New transparency in bright green

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The 100 Replica Hublot Big Band Unico Saxem Green watches with their translucent green case made of Saxem sapphire are not exactly a bargain. But they are extremely innovative in technical terms. That is what lies behind the high-tech Saxem case and what the Unico 2 movement of the Saxem Green and its neon yellow sister achieves.

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Green Revolution

The Hublot Big Bang Unico Saxem Green is not only the second model made from the Saxem case material newly developed by Hublot. With the new, bright green Saxem sapphire glass, Hublot shows that thanks to the new material, additional color variations are possible, and that the transparency and luminosity of the sapphire glass is raised to a new level.

The use of ultra-hard, scratch-resistant sapphire glass began in the 1980s, when the production of synthetic sapphire became cheaper and more reliable in production. This synthetic watch glass solved a major problem for high-quality watches at the time – glass breakage. It also made acrylic watch glasses and the rapid scratching of the glass surface a thing of the past. Today, sapphire glasses are standard in luxury watches.

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However, it was left to Hublot to break new ground in 2016 by using artificial sapphire, the production of which was invented in 1902 by Auguste Victor Louis Verneuil, for the case of the Big Bang Unico Sapphire, and in 2017 by coloring the sapphire cases.
Further progress was made in 2018, when Hublot increased the transparency of the watch even further by using sapphire for parts of the movement construction and launched various color variants over the years.

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The next milestone was the Hublot Big Bang Unico Sapphire Tourbillon, in which the case, parts of the movement construction and the bracelet were made of artificial, transparent sapphire.

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Hublot Big Bang Unico Saxem Green

While Hublot was allowed to have a unique position as the innovation leader in terms of sapphire cases for a short period of time, today it can be seen that a whole range of watch brands operate with cases made of sapphire glass. What’s more, even if the quality is not quite comparable, watches made in Asia with Saphir-Tec cases only cost a fraction of high-quality sapphire glass watches (we presented such a model for a few thousand euros from Constantin Weisz here). Accordingly, Hublot had to underline its innovation leadership.


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